Loto-Québec subscribes to the principles of good governance. Our Board of Directors ensures that we are in compliance with the many laws applicable to us, including the Act respecting the governance of state-owned enterprises.
Supported by the Governance and Ethics Committee's recommendations, our directors ensure that the Code of Ethics and Rules of Professional Conduct for Directors and Managers of Loto-Québec and Its Subsidiaries [in French only, PDF – 371 KB] and the Code of Ethics for Loto-Québec Employees and its Subsidiaries [in French only, PDF – 196 KB] respect the best practices.
The Board and its committees perform their roles within four broad decision-making axes: governance, finances, strategy and human resources management. Along with sound risk management and agreement between management and the Board of Directors, these pillars form the basis of the Corporation's smooth operation.
Board of Directors
Loto-Québec's Board of Directors is composed of 12 members who were all named by the government. They are all independent members, except the Loto-Québec President and CEO.
Ann MacDonald, Montréal
Chair of the Board of Directors, Loto-Québec
Corporate Director
Appointment: June 27, 2021
End of term: June 26, 2025
Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, member of the Human Resources and Culture Committee, member of the Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and member of the Development and Innovation Committee
See Ann MacDonald's resumé on the Government of Québec's website (in French only)
In addition to having a bachelor’s degree in business administration (Finance) from HEC Montréal, Ann MacDonald is a certified PMP from the Project Management Institute of Pennsylvania and an Administratrice de sociétés certifiée (ASC) [Certified Corporate Director] from Université Laval’s Collège des administrateurs de sociétés. Ms. MacDonald spent 17 years at Bombardier Transportation North America, including at the head office in Berlin, where she held upper management positions in project management and then became Vice-President of Sales, Communications and Public Affairs. In this capacity, she led the implementation of the business strategy for the Americas, which resulted in many transportation system contracts. In 2018, she was the senior advisor for VIA Rail’s fleet replacement program. More recently, she brought her extensive experience in strategic operational growth management and business development to BONE Structure during her five-year mandate as Chief Operating Officer. Ms. MacDonald has always played an active role in the community. She has been involved with a wide range of organizations as a member of several advisory and governmental councils and various professional associations. She has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, where she sat on the Executive Committee and chaired the Human Resources Committee. She currently chairs the Board of Directors of the CHU Sainte-Justine and sits on the Board of Aéroports de Montréal, where she chairs the Development and Innovation Committee.
Jean-François Bergeron, Montréal
President and CEO, Loto-Québec
Appointment: May 31, 2021
End of term: May 30, 2026
See Jean-François Bergeron's resumé on the Government of Québec's website (in French only)
In 2021, Jean-François Bergeron was appointed President and CEO of Loto-Québec. His entrepreneurial spirit had previously enabled him to oversee the launch of the Société Québécoise du cannabis in 2018 and serve as its President and CEO. Prior to that, he had served as Vice-President of Information Technology (IT) at the Société des alcools du Québec (SAQ), where his strategic leadership skills enabled him to successfully steer an ambitious business plan. With over 25 years in leadership roles, Mr. Bergeron has acquired expert insight into IT management in the manufacturing, retail, telecommunications and professional services sectors. His first IT management position was with Cascades. By 2014, he was overseeing all global IT operations at WSP Global. He was also Vice-President and CEO for IT at Astral Media as well as at Kruger, where he headed up IT and supply chain operations for the Tissue Group, in England, for three years. With a bachelor’s degree in business computing and a strong background in tech strategy implementation, digital transformation, and organizational transformation, Mr. Bergeron has had a broad and varied career path. This has allowed him to develop an in-depth understanding of organizations, which he has capitalized on throughout his various mandates.
Alain Albert, Magog
Corporate Director
Reappointment: March 9, 2022
End of term: March 8, 2026
Chair of the Human Resources and Culture Committee, and member of the Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
See Alain Albert's resumé on the Governement of Québec's website (in French only)
Alain Albert holds a master’s degree in counselling from the University of Maine, a bachelor in educational and career counselling from the Université du Québec à Montréal, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Université de Montréal. A retired senior executive turned corporate director, Mr. Albert has over 30 years of experience in the Québec civil service. From 1981 to 2005, he worked at the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (now the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail), notably as Vice-President of Partner Relations and Expertise during his last 11 years there. From 2007 to 2017, he was a member of the Board of the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec, where he chaired the Human Resources and Customer Service committees and sat on the Governance and Ethics Committee.
Jean-François Blais, Montréal
Corporate Director
Reappointment: May 10, 2023
End of term: May 9, 2027
Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and member of the Development and Innovation Committee
See Jean-François Blais' resumé on the Government of Québec's website (in French only)
Jean-François Blais graduated with a bachelor’s degree in actuarial science from Université Laval in 1988. He has been a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries (FCIA) and Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS) since 1991. Now retired, Mr. Blais spent close to 30 years in the insurance field. He was President and CEO of AXA Canada from 2004 to 2011, and President of Intact Insurance from 2011 to 2017. During his career, he served on the boards of the Insurance Bureau of Canada and the Insurance Institute of Canada. He has been a member of the Board of the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec since May 2020 and on that of Desjardins Financial Security since March 2022.
Maud Cohen, Montréal
Eng., ASC
President, Polytechnique Montréal
Reappointment: May 22, 2024
End of term: May 21, 2028
Chair of the Development and Innovation Committee
See Maud Cohen's resumé on the Governement of Québec's website
Maud Cohen earned her bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Polytechnique Montréal in 1996. She went on to work in project management before taking up management positions at several tech firms, most notably CGI. In 2004, Ms. Cohen received an MBA from HEC Montréal. From 2009 to 2012, she was the President and official spokesperson of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec. In 2014, she became President and CEO of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation. Then, in 2022, she was appointed President of Polytechnique Montréal. She is the fist woman to hold this position. Ms. Cohen received the title of Administratrice de sociétés certifiée (ASC) (Certified Corporate Director) from Université Laval’s Collège des administrateurs de sociétés in 2012.
Marie Côté, Frelighsburg
Expert advisor in international development of creative industries
Reappointment: May 18, 2022
End of term: May 17, 2026
Chairwoman of the Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, and member of the Development and Innovation Committee
See Marie Côté's resumé on the Governement of Québec's website (in French only)
Marie Côté completed the master’s coursework in communication sciences with a specialization in human-computer interface at Université de Montréal. Her professional career spans over 20 years as corporate director for entertainment industry companies such as ARTV, Cirque du Soleil, Productions J and Radio-Canada. Ms. Côté was also the Director of Marketing Communications at National Bank. She has been an expert advisor in international business development for creative industry corporations, including Rodeo FX and HUB Montréal, since 2015. She is an Administratrice de sociétés certifiée (ASC) [Certified Corporate Director] from Université Laval’s Collège des administrateurs de sociétés and, in that capacity, sits on the Board of the Agence de Mobilité Durable de Montréal where she is a member of the Audit, Finance and Risk Management Committee and chairs the Innovation and Technology Committee. As a volunteer, she vice-chairs the Board of Adélard, an artistic organization in Frelighsburg, Estrie, and is a member of its strategic committee. Ms. Côté has over 30 years of governance experience, during which she has chaired, among others, the Board of the Conseil des Arts et des Lettres du Québec and that of Jalon MTL – L’Institut des Transports Intelligents and was a member of the Board of the Computer Research Institute of Montréal for 8 years.
Dominique Gauthier, Québec
Corporate Director
Reappointment: May 18, 2022
End of term: May 17, 2026
Member of the Human Resources and Culture Committee
See Dominique Gauthier's resumé on the Government of Québec's website (in French only)
Dominique Gauthier holds a master’s degree in industrial relations from Université Laval. A retired senior executive turned corporate director, she began her career as a manager in the fisheries sector. She has nearly 30 years of experience in Québec’s public sector. From 1988 to 2016, she worked for the Secrétariat du Conseil du trésor where she rose to become Associate Secretary for intersectoral negotiations coordination in the public, parapublic and quasi-public sectors. In 2014, Ms. Gauthier received the title of Administratrice de sociétés certifiée (ASC) (Certified Corporate Director) from Université Laval’s Collège des administrateurs de sociétés. She has been called upon to provide strategic advice on labour-management relations and governmental governance since 2017.
Lyne Jobin, Lévis
Corporate Director
Appointment: December 7, 2022
End of term: December 6, 2026
Member of the Governance, Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
See Lyne Jobin’s resumé on the Government of Québec’s website [in French only]
Lyne Jobin holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology from Université Laval. She worked in the fields of mental health and public health, holding several positions within the health and social services network. Ms. Jobin joined the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux in 2000; she rose through the ranks and held several management positions, including that of Deputy General Manager of Public Health. From 2009 to 2016, she sat on the Board of Directors of the Institut national de santé publique du Québec. During the last years of her career, Ms. Jobin was Assistant Deputy Minister at the Direction générale des programmes dédiés aux personnes, aux familles et aux communautés (General Directorate, Programs for Persons, Families and Communities).
Catherine Martel, Montréal
Director, Brand Innovation and Growth
Haus of Park
Appointment: July 17, 2024
End of term: July 16, 2028
See Catherine Martel’s resumé on the Government of Québec’s website [in French only]
Catherine Martel graduated from McGill University in 2013 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. She has 15 years of experience in new media and solid expertise in interactivity, digital strategy and consumer psychology. Ms. Martel has been with Haus of Park, known before as Alice & Smith Studio, since 2022 as head of business development, gamification and transmedia marketing. She works with many international partners and clients in the video game, entertainment and brand experience field. Ms. Martel’s passion for the cultural sector and commitment to making art more accessible have led her to become involved with the Fondation du Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, among others.
Alain Trudeau, Montréal
Corporate Director
Appointment: February 23, 2022
End of term: February 22, 2026
Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
See Alain Trudeau's resumé on the Government of Québec's website (in French only)
Alain Trudeau earned a Bachelor of Business Administration from HEC Montréal in 1981. A Fellow of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec, he became a partner at Ernst & Young in 1991. At this organization, he was involved in the due diligence and negotiation stages of the acquisition and sale of businesses. After heading various audit groups since 1995, he was appointed Managing Partner, Assurance for the Québec offices in 2008, a position he held until his retirement in 2019. He was also the main liaison between Ernst & Young and Université Laval’s Collège des administrateurs de sociétés, from which he received the distinction of Lecturer Emeritus. Mr. Trudeau has extensive experience in corporate governance, ethics and risk management, which has allowed him to serve as a consulting partner to many other public and private companies and corporate directors. He has sat on several companies’ boards and continues to do so.
Katy Yam, Montréal
Partner, RealVentures
General Manager, FounderFuel
Producer, TEDxMontreal
Appointment: December 16, 2020
End of term: December 15, 2024
Member of the Development and Innovation Committee
See Katy Yam's resumé on the Government of Québec's website (in French only)
Katy Yam is a multilingual executive who currently serves as Partner at Real Ventures, one of Canada’s most active early-stage VC firms; General Manager of FounderFuel, Canada’s first technology startup accelerator; and Producer at TEDxMontréal. The holder of a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from McGill University, she has a 20+ year history of managing high-performing products, business intelligence and marketing teams across various public and private industries, including venture capital, artificial intelligence, gaming, consumer packaged goods, telecommunications and non-profits. As an early-stage investor, she sits on several boards as a member, observer or advisor. Ms. Yam is also an independent member of the boards of MT Lab and Réseau Capital. Since 2013, she has been heading TEDxMontréal, a non-profit dedicated to elevating Montréal-born ideas onto the global TED stage.
Corporate Secretariat
Marie-Christine Tremblay
LL. L.
Corporate Secretary and Vice President of Legal Affairs of Loto-Québec
After earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from McGill University, Marie-Christine Tremblay chose to pursue a law degree. She was hired by the Ministère de la Justice, where she practiced law for a few years. Ms. Tremblay joined Loto-Québec in 1988 as Legal Counsel in the Corporate Legal Affairs Department. She was named Head of the Corporate Secretariat Department in 1998, and of Legal Affairs in 2006. In 2017, she was appointed Corporate Secretary and Vice-President of Legal Affairs.
Executive Team
Jean-François Bergeron
President and Chief Executive Officer
Stéphane Fraser
Executive Vice-President and
Chief Operating Officer,
Gaming Establishments -
Isabelle Jean
Executive Vice-President and
Chief Operating Officer,
Lottery Games -
Kevin G. Taylor
Executive Vice-President and
Chief Operating Officer,
Casinos and Gaming Halls -
Sylvain Carrier
Corporate Vice-President,
Talent and Culture
Benoit Lefrançois
Corporate Vice-President,
Responsible Commercialization,
Social Responsibility and Public Affairs -
Nathalie Lemieux
Vice-President of,
Internal Auditing and Entreprise Risk Management
Anton Stiglic
David St-Germain
Digital and Artificial Intelligence
Marie-Christine Tremblay
Corporate Secretary and
Legal Affairs -
Marie-Claude Tremblay
Finance and Administration
Vincent Veilleux
Real Estate