Press release
$50,000,000Huge Lotto Max win on the South Shore
$50,000,000Huge Lotto Max win on the South Shore
Montréal, May 10, 2019 — A group of people, most of whom reside on Montréal’s South Shore, scored the whopping $50,000,000 jackpot in Lotto Max’s May 3 draw. The winners—a mix of friends, family, and complete strangers—played using Formule Groupe. The jackpot will be split 20 ways, with each share worth $2,500,000.
The winning ticket was bought in Brossard, at Champlain Mall’s Loto-Québec kiosk, which is operated by the Association québecoise de l’épilepsie. The non-profit organization will collect a cool $500,000, i.e. 1% of the jackpot.
The new millionaires celebrated their win today during a press conference held in Montréal.
To date, only one of the shares has yet to be claimed. As such, we invite all South Shore residents to check their tickets and come forward as soon as possible.
The lucky winners are:
- Roger Émond and Johanne Vincent
Roger and Johanne, who’ve been together for 30 years, say they’ll use the money to treat themselves. Roger has since decided to take his retirement a couple of months earlier than anticipated.
- Josée Frappier
Josée says she plans to do some home renovations, but for the most part will be investing the money.
- Francine Robichaud
Francine says she plans to take a trip, renovate her home and upgrade to a new car with her winnings.
- André Hardy
André has been wanting to visit Greece for a long time. Thanks to his win, he’ll be able to make his dream a reality!
- Natran Dinh
Natran plans to treat his loved ones, as well as buy a new house and car.
- Chi Shing Man
This unexpected win will allow this father to pay off his home and car, and spend more time relaxing!
- Normand Chevrier
Normand, who is calm by nature, confided that the clerk looked more shocked than he did when she checked his ticket! Normand is the only Montréal resident among the winners.
- Daniel Rivard
“Enough with the condos! I plan to buy myself a house!” Daniel declared.
- Group with 11 shares
- The group typically gets together to grab coffee and chat. Seeing as the jackpot had hit $50,000,000, Jean-Guy Demontigny asked everyone in the group if they wanted to play along with him using Formule Groupe.
- Jean-Eudes Gaudreault was the first to check his ticket at 1 a.m. He then proceeded to immediately call all the others throughout the night to tell them the good news.
- Buying a new car and going on a trip are at the top of everyone’s priorities. Some of them have since shared a portion of their winnings with loved ones.
- The 11 shares will be split as follows:
- André and Carmen Bessette
- Marie-Jeanne Cabana and Jean-Eudes, Nathalie and Lucie Gaudreault
- Jean-Guy Demontigny and Claudette Bisaillon Demontigny
- Jean Dussault
- Bernard Lamarche and Anna Vincent
- Jacques Laroche and Marie-Paule Savard Laroche
- Denise Leblond Gauthier and Maurice, Martine and Martin L. Gauthier
- Gisèle Mailhot Bousquet
- Guy Sauvé
- Albert J., Denise, Martine and Daniel Thériault
- Denise Vadeboncoeur Schwartz
In summary
- Lottery: Lotto Max
- Prize: $50,000,000
- Category: Jackpot
- Claim date: May 3, 2019
- Winners’ place of residence: Montérégie and Montréal
- Retailer: Champlain Mall kiosk operated by the Association québécoise de l’épilepsie, a non-profit organization (2151 Boulevard Lapinière, Brossard)
- The retailer will receive a $500,000 commission, equal to 1% of the prize.
About Loto-Québec
Loto-Québec’s mission is to responsibly and efficiently manage games of chance in a controlled and measured fashion, in the interest of all Quebecers. Entertainment is at the heart of its activities. Between January 1 and May 7, 2019, Loto-Québec has paid out 32 prizes of $1,000,000 or more, producing 34 millionaires. Its Gagnant à vie and Grande Vie lotteries have provided 9 lucky winners with a lifetime annuity. Winners of large prizes are listed on the Winners page of the Lotteries site.
Patrice Lavoie
Corporate Director, Public Affairs, Press Relations and Social Media
Danny Racine
Communications Advisor